How can I make this person feel seen, heard, and valued in the most authentic way possible?
Girls Who Code CEO Dr. Tarika Barrett asks this question before every conversation.
Her exuberance sharing it became an anchoring insight in our Inspiring Hope series…
“These are vital acts — Be it with your children, colleagues, family, or friends…We don’t give joy its due; By being agents of joy, we can enact change. We think about every problem around us, as opposed to recognizing that these small and big acts of joy have tremendous power.”
In our conversation, we explore her wisdom as an invitation. When we measure our impact by magnitude, change feels out of reach. When we measure it by the difference we can make in one life, we awaken to a deeper sense of purpose.
Dr.Barrett may be dedicated to the paramount mission of creating greater equity and inclusion. Still, it’s these daily acts that drive her.
“These personal and professional connections are so important. For me, that fills my energy tank; Conversations where someone has an a-ha moment or thinks about a way that they can extend this to another colleague.
If everyone saw it less as: ‘I just need to get through the next 30 minutes.’ And, more so: ‘What’s intriguing about this conversation?’ We embrace a spirit of inquiry going into it…If we make it fun, it doesn't feel like work. Finding joy in every conversation is a gift for me.”
I continue to be moved by her illumination that every interaction — be it with your child or partner, friend or colleague — isn’t just 30 minutes. It’s an opportunity to affirm and uplift each other.
As we embark on this series, I invite you to join me in adopting her ritual over the next five weeks. Prior to every interaction, consider asking: How can I make this person feel seen, heard, and valued in the most authentic way possible?
Imagine the collective hope we’ll inspire when we do.
With gratitude,